For Ministries of Health, our open-source platform and COVID-19 dataset containing detailed information on over twenty million anonymized cases from over 100 countries is now available. is an intuitive and free to use data repository and visualization platform that enables open access to real-time epidemiological anonymized line-list data to support public health research and policy.


Our open source platform is developed and maintained by researchers at leading international academic institutions. Our data are compiled from trusted official sources, and carefully vetted, standardized, and updated by a dedicated team of trained curators. can also be customized for Ministries of Health to collect and contribute line-list data via our Curator Portal.

Comprehensive COVID-19 Line-List Data and Powerful Open Source Software to Accelerate Your Research reduces time spent collecting, organizing, and harmonizing case data from disparate sources. Researchers and MoH officials can quickly explore, download, and investigate detailed case information across 40 fields of metadata, all organized into standard schema on an easy-to-use interface. 

As fully open-source software, can also be customized for MoH teams to organize and contribute line-list data through our secure and free-to-use Curator Portal. 

Privacy First and Openly Accessible

Preserving anonymity and protecting privacy are guiding principles to our work and core to our technology. Our team performs rigorous checks to ensure all data on the Global.platform are aggregated to a reasonably crude spatial resolution with all unique identifiers removed. Our code is open source and our data and software will always be free to use for the international public health community.

Developed by Experts and Built on Trust 

The team is comprised of established epidemiologists and data scientists from leading international academic institutions. The methods and researched derived from our data set have been published in multiple peer reviewed scientific journals. 

Who We Are is a collaborative effort by technologists and researchers from leading international institutions to build a trusted, detailed, and accurate resource of real-time infectious disease data.


As research becomes increasingly data-driven, our understanding of the world around us is only as accurate as the data we have available. We believe in equitable health research that serves communities of all backgrounds. This is why we built – a platform that brings together outbreak data from diverse communities and makes it available to all, regardless of geographic location or organizational affiliation.


Talk to Us

The team is available for product demonstrations and to answer questions from any Ministry of Health and Government officials. We invite to you reach out via email or schedule a meeting with us. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The data currently available on are detailed COVID-19 line-list case data from over 100 sources organized into a standardized schema including up to 40 fields of metadata where available. As of publication, our database includes over 10 million cases from over 100 countries. You can explore the database using our Data or Map web applications, or by downloading the full dataset as a .CSV file.

Data on come from a variety of carefully vetted sources, including official government public health agencies, trusted media outlets, and established open-access repositories. Each entry in the database has an associated source name and URL visible when clicking on a record or downloading the data. All data source acknowledgements can be found here. Data for the Variants of Concern (VOCs) come from a variety of sources and some of the map visualizations include data from GISAID. Please note that metadata from GISAID cannot be extracted via We refer to GISAIDs Terms of Use for more information.

Most data available on the platform are detailed, anonymized, line-list data. The data are standardized using a computational pipeline where geo-codes are added to each entry in the database. This differs from other public health data repositories and websites which are often presented in aggregate form. also provides open source code so the platform can be replicated and adapted as the pandemic progresses and new challenges and data types become available (e.g., genomic data).

Get Involved

Create and share projects. Explore and contribute to trusted and open public health data to advance the response to infectious diseases.

G.h Map
Explore an interactive map of COVID-19 case data including information on the Variants of Concern.
G.h Data
Filter, search, and download the full line-list database.
Individual-level case data
Participating Institutions:
With Funding From:

In Development

Currently in development, launching early 2021.