Epidemiological data from the COVID-19 outbreak, real-time case information


Cases of a novel coronavirus were first reported in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in December 2019 and have since spread across the world. Epidemiological studies have indicated human-to-human transmission in China and elsewhere. To aid the analysis and tracking of the COVID-19 epidemic we collected and curated individual-level data from national, provincial, and municipal health reports, as well as additional information from online reports. All data are geo-coded and, where available, include symptoms, key dates (date of onset, admission, and confirmation), and travel history. The generation of detailed, real-time, and robust data for emerging disease outbreaks is important and can help to generate robust evidence that will support and inform public health decision making.


Bo Xu
Bernardo Gutierrez
Sumiko Mekaru
Kara Sewalk
Lauren Goodwin
Alyssa Loskill
Emily L. Cohn
Yulin Hswen
Sarah C. Hill
Maria M. Cobo
Alexander E. Zarebski
Sabrina Li
Chieh-Hsi Wu
Erin Hulland
Julia D. Morgan
Lin Wang
Katelynn O’Brien
Samuel V. Scarpino
John S. Brownstein
Oliver G. Pybus
David M. Pigott
Moritz U. G. Kraemer

In Development

Currently in development, launching early 2021.